Project: ​AUNW
Customer: GCI

In the fall of 2007,GCI and UTI teamed up to install a 270 mile long haul fiber run from Wasilla to Fairbanks. This fiber run was a part of Alaska United Fiber System.

"GCI's Alaska United fiber optic cable connects Anchorage, Fairbanks and Juneau to Seattle, and it brings significant telecommunication capacity to Alaska's growing Internet, video, voice and data markets. Alaska United is a high-capacity, diversely-routed, ring-protected fiber optic communication network connecting Alaska's major population centers with the lower 48 states. The network consists of three major sections: 1)AU-North, connecting Fairbanks and communities along the southern pipeline corridor to the network. 2) AU-East, connecting Anchorage, Juneau, and Seattle with landing sites at Whittier, Lena Point and Lynnwood, WA., and 3) AU-West, connecting Anchorage to Seattle with landing points in Seward, AK and Warrenton, OR. The system utilizes optical amplification allowing flexible capacity expansion through the life of the system. The submarine portions were installed with state-of-the-art burial and laying technique by industry leaders. The cable is buried from the cable landing stations to a water depth of over 800 fms., where possible to avoid external aggressions."
          - Quoted from

Project: Terra Southwest
Customer: GCI, UUI

TERRA-SW is funded with a $44 million grant from the USDA Rural Utilities Service and The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and a $44 million loan to United Utilities Inc. (UUI). UUI is a wholly owned subsidiary of Alaska's largest telecommunications company, GCI.  

TERRA-SW is a historic investment that will provide the first ever high speed fiber optic and microwave connection to Southwest Alaska.

The project will extend terrestrial broadband services to 65 communities and 9000+ households in the Bristol Bay and Yukon Kuskokwim Delta regions.

Project: GCI Commercial
Customer: GCI

For years UTI has worked with GCI to provide fiber optic entrances into commercial businesses in Anchorage and its outlying areas. These projects are typically smaller in scope, but their importance to GCI and its customers is large. 
Project: Battle Command Training Center - JBER
Customer: Unit Company

Project: GCI OSP Cell Towers
Customer: GCI

Throughout 2011, UTI has participated in the installation of fiber optic cable to cell towers in the southcentral area of Alaska. These projects are an important demension in the launching of GCI's new 4G network. UTI is proud to be involved in such an important project.